Monday, May 4, 2020

Homemade Fertilizer Series Part 3 - Banana

Hi everyone !! 

I hope you like my first 2 blogs. So today we will discuss the 3rd most effective homemade fertilizer, which is BANANA!! 

Did you know banana peels make one of the best fertilizers for plants? I didn’t until I started using it and saw my plants responding. They turn out to bloom healthier, greener, more flowery. Banana peels are a rich source of nutrients like Potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, along with a host of other minerals your plants need.

Detailed Process: Banana peels can be used in many forms. One could use it as a powder, tea, or directly in the compost. Let's discuss each process in detail. 

  • Banana peels tea: This fertilizer uses nutrients leached from banana peels to give your plants a mineral boost. To make it, chop 2 to 3 banana peel and place them in a jar filled with water. Let it sit for 3 to 4 days. After 4 days, strain the banana peel from liquid, mix the liquid with a half bucket of water. Water your plants or spray them as usual with your banana tea. 
  • Chopped Banana peels: One can bury them at the bottom of the pot when repotting a plant. 
  • Compost: One can use these peels for compost making at home. It helps to speed up the decomposition. 
  • Powder fertilizer: Dry some banana peels in the sun for 2 to 3 days. Grind them and your banana fertilizer is ready. Store them in a sealed container and sprinkle them whenever you want to add some fertilizer to your plants. One can mix eggshell or tea/coffee grounds with it to boost the growth.

So the bottom line is never to throw your ripe bananas or banana peel. Freeze them in a self-seal bag until you are ready to use them. 

Benefits: Banana peels contain some of the highest concentrations of potassium, more than 40%, that you can find in most compost items. They are also high in calcium, manganese, magnesium, sulfur, and sodium.  Sodium helps plants to exchange water at the cellular level, magnesium, and sulfur help to produce chlorophyll, the most beneficial part of plants, and essential to the process of photosynthesis. Calcium is essential for helping plants absorb nitrogen, which is an essential nutrient for most garden vegetables.


1) Can we use it directly without fermentation?
Ans: No, fermentation helps in the decomposition of banana peel.

2) What should be the quantity and how frequently one should give them to plants?
Ans: Quantity is similar to the amount you pour water to plants. Frequency should be twice a week. 

Thanks for reading!! 
Comment below if you have any more queries. Do follow us for future updates
Stay home Stay safe Stay connected. 
Love TheDreamDecorStore 

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